Cold water Therapy Challenge

I was one of two designers in Q3 2022 that was responsible for user research, brainstorming early concepts, rapid prototyping, and iterating on designs with stakeholders.

3D Render



Wim Hof



Q3 2022



Team of 2 designers

  • Mobile design

  • UI Design

  • Interaction Design

  • Usability Testing


Wim Hof, a mobile app dedicated to buliding healthy habits through a twenty-day challenge involving cold water therapy, meditation, and pushups, seeks to enhance user completion rates for their 20-day cold shower challenge. As part of this project, the primary question we aimed to address was:


To enhance user engagement and retention, I streamlined the onboarding process. This design change not only made it more user-friendly but also encouraged higher completion rates for the 20-day cold water challenge. Additionally, I incorporated personalized elements into the experience, providing users with tailored motivation to boost their progress.


of users find it easy to complete the sign up and onboarding process


of users have a better understanding of the Wim Hoff technique


of users think that the dashboard was helpful to track their progress over a period of time

How might we streamline the first cold shower experience for new users, making it more attainable and motivating while ensuring healthy metrics to track their progress?

Design Principles

I want to ensure users are not just starting, but finishing their cold water challenge. With this in mind, the primary metric I'm looking at are sign up rates and retention. To achieve this, I will be focusing on three design principles:

  • Ease of navigation

  • Personalization and customization

  • Awareness/Education



Key Features

Onboarding Screens

Onboarding screens with educational content are table stakes for most mobile apps. It's pivotal to impress new users in the early stages so they can choose whether they want to continue staying on, thereby improving engagement and retention rates

Upfront Survey

Enables personalization of challenges

Helps users transition easier into new habit easier with leveling

Ability to Challenge Friends

Promotes awareness and value of app

Cost efficient way to boost visibility and brand awareness

Increases engagement rate in-app

Upfront Survey

Enables personalization of challenges

Helps users transition easier into new habit easier with leveling

Upfront Survey

Enables personalization of challenges

Helps users transition easier into new habit easier with leveling

Ability to Challenge Friends

Promotes awareness and value of app

Cost efficient way to boost visibility and brand awareness

Increases engagement rate in-app

Dashboard View

Tabular view makes it easy to navigate

Metrics help users keep track of progress

Gamification motivates users to complete their challenge


The onboarding tutorial effectively educated users about the benefits of cold water therapy. Furthermore, the dashboard proved to be a valuable feature, offering motivational metrics that encouraged users to return to the app and successfully complete their 20-day challenge.